Monday, December 8, 2014

Kids Christmas Tree Ornament | Craft Tutorial

If you are looking for that perfect Christmas craft to do with your kids this holiday season then look no further! This is the perfect kids craft for Christmas time. You don't need very many supplies and most kids preschool age and up can help complete this project.

We will be making a Christmas Tree picture frame ornament that can be hung on your tree for many years to come. The personalized ornaments make nice custom ornaments that you and your kids can enjoy year after year. You can make these as a child or baby's first Christmas ornament. Or if you are a pet lover who loves to display their pets on their tree, then you can use your pets favorite picture as well. Regardless if you have a large Christmas tree or a small Christmas tree, the wooden photo ornaments are sure to make Christmas fun! If your kids are anything like mine they really enjoy doing kids art and this is the perfect crafts for children. 

Supplies needed:

Popsicle sticks

school glue (hot glue is OK just make sure an adult helps)
scrapbook paper or card stock for the back
a picture
paint and or markers (you could also use crayons)

Instructions: (There is a video tutorial below for those of you who are more "visual" like myself.)

Step 1:

For each ornament you will need 4 Popsicle sticks. You will need to paint or color with a marker 3 of the sticks green. The fourth stick you will paint or color with a marker brown. 
Step 2:
Once your paint has dried (skip the drying process if you are using markers) you need to take the green sticks and form a triangle and glue each corner together. You can use school glue, wood glue or a hot glue gun like I did. If you use a hot glue gun make sure an adult is doing that part. If you are using a glue that needs to dry then allow it to fully dry before moving on. 
Step 3:
Use your newly created triangle to trace around the picture you want to use. Cut out the triangle and glue to picture to the back so you can see the picture from the front.
Step 4: 
Take a piece of ribbon and form a loop. Glue the ribbon to the tip of the tree about 1.5 inches down. This is what you will hang your ornament with.
Step 5:
Trace another triangle from the triangle you have created on some festive scrapbook paper. And glue that down to the back side of the picture. You will be covering up the part of the ribbon you glued down here in this step.
Step 6:
Take the brown Popsicle stick and glue it to the center of the back of your picture to create the stump of your tree.
Step 7:
Decorate your tree with buttons or any other embellishment you would like to use.

That's it! You're finished! If you would like to see a step by step video on how we created our Christmas Tree ornaments then please what this video! And if you never want to miss out on a video I upload please click SUBSCRIBE «««

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